In recent times, and with the desire to win customers, restaurants and fast food outlets have exaggeratedly increased the size of the portions and the menus they serve. To not be prisoners of those extra calories, follow these 12 useful tips given by http://hogansrestaurant.com to know what to order when you go to eat out of your home.
1. Check the menu thoroughly:
Check in advance on the website of the restaurant to know what kind of dishes are served and choose the healthiest option. If the place does not have a website, then take some time to review the menu. If you have any questions about how a dish is prepared, ask the person in charge.
2. Ask for a starter as a main dish:
It can be accompanied with a green salad which, thanks to the fiber provided by the vegetables, provides satiety. Soups are an excellent entry to reduce the anxiety with which one usually sits at the table.
3. Attention with words that may be indicating fat:
Creamy sauce, fried, cream, butter, gratin, breaded, Caesar dressing, escalope, are indicators of extra calories due to the percentage of fat they provide.
4. Make your own menu:
Order the salads with the dressing on the side, change the garnishes if they are potato chips, gratin vegetables or potatoes stuffed with a colorful salad or a grilled vegetable.
5. Take care of the size of the portions:
You do not always have to leave the plate empty! In fact - if the plate is too large - apart, before you start, what you are going to eat and then ask that you wrap the excess to take it away.
6. Meats:
These are grilled, grilled or roasted instead of fried, Milanese or Neapolitan (with ham, cheese and tomato). Keep in mind that an average boneless steak can weigh between 400 to 500 grams exceeding more than twice what a person should consume. In general, the size of the meat portion should be like the palm of your hand and the thickness of your thumb.
7. Pasta:
Order with sauces based on fresh tomatoes or even sautéed vegetables such as broccoli, mushrooms or asparagus. Avoid the creamier or caloric sauces such as Bolognese (minced meat) or the four cheeses.
8. Beware of the "free fork":
They are an attempt against willpower even the strongest, since portion control is something extremely difficult to achieve, the greater the variety of dishes, the greater the temptation. If you have to go to these types of restaurants, a good option is to first serve the dishes that contain vegetables, and then choose a single main dish.
9. Do not come hungry:
A common but common mistake is to skip meals reserving "hungry" for dinner in the restaurant. The only thing he will achieve is to eat more voraciously, surrender to the temptation of the bread basket and a copious main course. Therefore, try to make smaller but frequent meals throughout the day. If the meeting is late at night, eat a fruit or yogurt, before leaving.
10. Alcoholic beverages:
Alcohol can stimulate the appetite as well as rapidly increase calories. Order only one glass of wine and drink it in small sips during the meal; Take plenty of water to quench your thirst.
11. Desserts:
Enjoy every bite but, especially, the conversation and the company. Leave the cutlery resting on the plate between bites. t something sweet, then share the dessert with another diner.
12. Eat slowly:
enjoy every bite but, especially, the conversation and the company. Leave the cutlery resting on the plate between bites.